Crosscountry Mortgage, Inc. Update

The parties agreed to conditionally certify this case as a collective action and the Court authorized us to send notice of the lawsuit to all mortgage underwriters who worked for Crosscountry between June 2, 2011 and October 1, 2013. We will mail and email the Court-approved Notice and Plaintiff Consent Form to all eligible mortgage underwriters on July 3, 2014.  Those individuals have until September 2, 2014, to return a Plaintiff Consent Form and join the lawsuit. Anyone who has not submitted a Plaintiff Consent Form by that date will be unable to participate in the lawsuit.  After the deadline to join the case has passed, the parties will discuss whether a settlement is possible or if further litigation is required. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our case clerk, Wade Underwood, at (877) 344-4628 or
