Killion Communications Consutlants, Inc. Update

On February 29, 2016, the Court issued an Order granting our Motion for Conditional Collective Action Certification and denying Killion’s motion to have the case dismissed on the pleadings. This means that we are able to move forward with the case as a group and will be sending out judicial notice of the case to all current or former outside plant engineers who worked for Killion from March 10, 2013 to the present date.  The outside sales reps will have until May 9, 2016 to decide whether to make an overtime claim.

Now that these motions have been decided, attorneys for both sides will need to meet to discuss remaining deadlines for the various phases of the case. The parties will likely be beginning the discovery phase of litigation where both sides exchange information, data, and documents they believe are relevant to the claims and defenses in the lawsuit.  During this time period, our case clerk, Stephen Nicksic, may be contacting you to ask you some additional questions about your experiences at Killion. You may also contact Stephen with any questions that you may have, or changes to your contact information.  He can be reached by email at or by phone at (877) 344-4628.
