R&R Solutions Update

The complaint was served on April 17th and we have not yet received an answer from R&R.  However, we have heard from several people that R&R is sending out checks to former employees.  These checks are not part of any settlement because R&R has not contacted us to discuss settlement.  And, to the best of our knowledge, there is not an investigation by the Department of Labor.  As such, these checks appear to be an attempt by R&R to confuse, mislead or dissuade people from participating in this lawsuit and recovering all of the unpaid overtime and liquidated damages, which could be equal to the amount of unpaid overtime, they are legally entitled to.  So if anyone contacts you about these checks, the letters they received or this case and they have questions or would like to talk about anything, please feel free to give them our contact information.  If you have received a check with a letter do not cash the check and please let us know immediately.