Race & National Origin Discrimination No Company is Too Big to Play Fair.

Race Discrimination Attorneys in Minneapolis

Legal Protection for People of All Backgrounds

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) and the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA), it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against an applicant or an employee because of the individual’s race, color, or national origin.

Both laws prohibit discrimination in all aspects of employment, such as hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, benefits, or other conditions of employment. These laws protect U.S. citizens, nationals, permanent residents, temporary residents, refugees, and persons with asylum.

Employers also cannot base their employment decisions on an employee’s birthplace, ancestry, culture, or accent, or harass a person because of their race or national origin.

If you have experienced discrimination at work due to your race or national origin, call our Minneapolis race discrimination lawyers at Nichols Kaster for a free consultation: (877) 344-4628.

Examples of Race Discrimination & Harassment

Examples of harassment can include derogatory or offensive comments or “jokes” about a person’s race, color or national origin that either occur frequently or are so severe in nature that they cause a hostile or offensive work environment. Offensive comments can include statements about a person’s physical features, birthplace, skin color, accent, or derogatory stereotypes.

The law also protects employees from discrimination because of their association with family and friends of a different race, color or national origin. It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee due to their membership in an association or organization that is identified with or promotes the interests of a national origin group.

Common examples of race and national origin discrimination include:

  • Demoting, firing, denying compensation or benefits, or otherwise discriminating against an individual or group of individuals because of their race, color, or national origin, or because of the race, color or national origin of their family members, spouse, or friends.

  • Paying lower wages to people outside of a specific race or nationality even though they perform the same work.

  • Persistent derogatory comments or “jokes” tied to an individual’s race, color, or national origin.

  • Preferential hiring practices favoring non-minority employees.

  • Treating an employee less favorably than other employees because they dress according to the customs of their native country, speak with an accent, or belong to a group that is associated with persons from a particular country or ethnicity.

  • Prohibiting persons from foreign countries from performing particular jobs even though they are capable of doing the work.

  • English Only rules or policies even though speaking English is not required for the needs of the business.

Helping You Fight Back Against Race Discrimination

At Nichols Kaster, PLLP, our team of dedicated employment lawyers is committed to fighting against race and national origin discrimination in the workplace. We understand the impact that discrimination can have on individuals and are here to provide legal protection for people of all backgrounds.

Why choose our law firm for your discrimination case?

  • Extensive experience: Our attorneys have years of experience handling discrimination cases and have a deep understanding of the complexities of employment law.
  • Proven track record: We have successfully represented numerous clients in discrimination cases, securing favorable outcomes and compensation.
  • Personalized approach: We believe in providing personalized attention to each client, taking the time to understand their unique situation and goals.
  • Strong advocacy: Our team is known for their strong advocacy skills and will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and hold employers accountable.
  • Compassionate support: We understand the emotional toll that discrimination can take and offer compassionate support throughout the legal process.

If you have experienced discrimination in the workplace, don't hesitate to reach out to our Minneapolis race discrimination lawyers. We are ready to stand up for your rights and help you seek justice.

To schedule a free case consultation with our firm, please give us a call at (877) 344-4628 or contact us online.

  • Nichols Kaster obtained a successful jury verdict for a BNSF railroad employee on a Federal Railroad Safety Act retaliation claim.

  • Nichols Kaster obtained a jury verdict for a task force Special Agent in South Dakota on sexual harassment and retaliation claims.

  • Nichols Kaster confirmed the standard protecting workers from retaliation for verbally reporting to employer violation of wage and hour law in front of the Supreme Court.

  • Nichols Kaster obtained the second-largest settlement ever paid by the City of Saint Paul in an employment suit.

  • Nichols Kaster obtained a jury verdict for a St. Jude medical device sales representative on a retaliation claim and defeated the company’s counterclaim for violation of a non-compete agreement.

Compassion. Strength. Experience. A Voice for Employees and Consumers When They Need it Most

Our team of passionate, talented professionals work every day on advancing and protecting people's rights. No entity is too big to play fair, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to our firm to discuss the details of your situation.